New Moon in 20° of Capricorn

Publisert: 14 januar 2024
The first New Moon of 2024 is happening on January 11th in 20° of Capricorn. New Moons are perfect for setting intentions, but remember that we just entered the winter season (according to astrology). We are (supposed to be) resting. Capricorn is a Yin sign. She IS cardinal, which means that there is a lot of energy and spark of initiative in her. But her nature is also to receive and process information. This is important because this sensitive and introverted nature is helping Capricorn to get clear on what is important, so that she can act and use that cardinal nature when the time is right. The planet of Capricorn is Saturn, which is the lord of time. Capricorn is excellent at good timing.
As Saturn is the planet of Capricorn, Saturn is the planetary ruler of this New Moon. Saturn is currently in 4° of Pisces, making a sextile to both Mars in 5° of Capricorn and Jupiter in 5° of Taurus. Saturn in Pisces can help us see that the tangible and intangible of this universe are two sides of the same coin. While Pisces is the sign of the ethereal, Saturn is the planet of physical, concrete matter. The combination of these two can help us make our dreams a reality. At this time, they are supported by Mars and Jupiter, which means that we are making progress. Then again, Mars and Jupiter are in 5° of earth signs, which means that they are 120° apart, meaning they create a trine. The wheels are turning. We are in a process of changing our reality into something that is more sustainable - to us; our health and happiness, and to the world.
This is supported by the trine between the Sun and New Moon and Uranus retrograde in 19° of Taurus. Uranus is the planet of change and Taurus is the sign of material and psychological values, and, in a way, sustainability. When Uranus is retrograde in Taurus, we are re-evaluating what is truly sustainable and important (our values) to us. Trust that when your life feels meaningful, you are contributing to making the world a better place. When we feel safe and happy in our bodies, homes, workplace - we get more energy, more capacity, and we do better. Your wish for good health and happiness is not selfish. You are healing the world by healing yourself.
Mercury in 27° of Sagittarius is still making a square to Neptune in 25° of Pisces. We might not see the whole picture just yet, and feel confused about our situation. But the Sun and New Moon are making a sextile to Neptune, asking us to trust our intuition anyway - even though we can not know the outcome.
This year the North Node will travel through Aries and we are asked to strengthen the positive qualities of the ram within ourselves: To have the courage to stand up for ourselves, to express our needs, to be confident with who we are - to take up space. The New Moon in Capricorn is highlighting the need to develop these qualities, because the Sun and New Moon are making a square to the Nodes in 20° of Aries and 20° of Libra. What do YOU want? And what does it take to get you there?
Venus in 15° of Sagittarius is making a trine to Chiron in 15° of Aries. Chirons travel through Aries is painful because it triggers our wounds of not feeling valuable. Aries is the sign of the Self, of our inner core, our primal wants and needs in life: The essence that fuels us and gives life to our dreams and aspirations. Chiron in Aries makes us feel like these dreams and aspirations are not important. It makes us feel like we are not special, not deserving of taking up space, not deserving to even exist. Venus in Sagittarius can help us heal this pain because they can help us see the world and our place in it, in a different perspective. This can help us with compassion towards ourselves and others, which can help us strengthen our connection and trust with ourselves.
This New Moon feels like a seed lying dormant in the snow covered soil, waiting for spring. At the moment, the seed is neutral; with the potential to grow into anything we desire. This is the time to contemplate, process, and think of what we want to “program” this seed into being. When spring arrives, the seed will know its purpose, and slowly grow into the plant it is meant to be. At the moment, when we think about it rationally with our minds, we might not see the full picture yet. But in our intuition, we know what we dream of. Trust that, and trust the timing.