New Moon in 16° of Gemini
Ved en Nymåne i Tvillingenes tegn kan man forvente en periode hvor man lærer noe nytt; skifter perspektiv på noe; får en aha-opplevelse; og rett og slett får en dypere innsikt i et tema enn det man hadde fra før.
23 June 2024
Full Moon in 2° of Sagittarius
I opposisjon til Solen i 2° Tvillingene, står Månen i 2° Skytten. Aksen mellom disse to tegnene handler om kunnskap og visdom. I spennet mellom disse to tegnene ligger spørsmålet: Hva er den store Sannheten? Eller rettere sagt: Hva er DIN store Sannhet?
23 May 2024
New Moon in 18° of Taurus
I april var det full fart med frøet og ildtegnet Væren. Nå er det på tide å ta en fot i bakken og finjustere hvilken retning vi vil at spiren vår skal vokse mot.
8 May 2024
Full Moon in 4° Scorpio
Fullmånen i Skorpionen kan hjelpe oss med å se hvor vi søker trygghet utenfor oss selv. Det er også relevant å spørre seg om hvorvidt vi binder oss fast i ting eller relasjoner fordi vi er redde for noe nytt.
23 April 2024
Eclipse Season
Det blir en intens vår: Rett etter astrologisk nyttår (vårjevndøgn) starter #eclipseseason i år. Mandag 25. mars vil Solen og Månen stå i opposisjon til hverandre. Månen skal liksom bli opplyst av Solen; men blir mørklagt av jordens skygge. To uker senere (8. april) er det Solen som blir skygget for når nymånen passerer Solen. Disse formørkelsene skjer i Værens og Vektens tegn og temaene som er knyttet til disse arketypene vil prege hele 2024.
25 March 2024
New Moon in 20° of Pisces
With the New Moon in Pisces, we are entering a new phase in our lives. Pisces represent endings, but is also a reminder that nothing ever really dies. Our Soul is eternal. Energy simply changes form; it cannot vanish. And so now, we are in a moment in time where something significant is about to change; to change form.
10 March 2024
Full Moon in 5° of Virgo
In order to form a masterpiece, we cannot only add and add to our piece. We also need to adjust and sometimes chisel away some parts that we thought would fit, but ended up not to. Because we are now in Pisces season, it is time for some adjustment. To let go of things that are no longer aiding us on our journey.
24 February 2024
New Moon in 20° of Aquarius
Det ser ut som at vi er på vei i en ny fase i livet, men det lugger litt. Livet er jo ikke lineært, men trekker oss i flere retninger og dimensjoner på én gang.
9 February 2024
Full Moon in 5° of Leo
Når Månen blir “opplyst” av Solen, får vi en mulighet til å se en del av oss selv som vanligvis er skjult eller delvis skjult for oss. I aksen til Løven og Vannmannen belyser Solen og Månen noen temaer som handler om identitet, fellesskap, hvordan vi uttrykker oss, hvilke roller vi har i de sosiale gruppene vi er en del av og hva gruppene våre gjør for oss.
25 January 2024
New Moon in 20° of Capricorn
This New Moon feels like a seed lying dormant in the snow covered soil, waiting for spring. At the moment, the seed is neutral; with the potential to grow into anything we desire. This is the time to contemplate, process, and think of what we want to “program” this seed into being.
14 January 2024
The whole chart of January 1st 2024 is speaking of self improvement: Of a need to expand and evolve beyond our current reality.
31 December 2023
Full Moon in 4° of Cancer
/ 27th of december 2023, 01:33 /
The last full Moon of 2023 is activating the elements of water, fire and earth. None of the air-signs are involved - other than Libra, housing the South Node. This is not a time for logical, calculated thinking - it is a time to feel deep, to ground into yourself, and reignite the passions that fuels your life with meaning and purpose.
28 December 2023
New Moon in 20° of Sagittarius
The New Moon in Sagittarius is inviting us to sow new seeds, regarding our beliefs and ways of thinking - both about the world, and our place in it.
17 December 2023
Full Moon in 4° of Gemini
Reality is forged by our thoughts, words and actions. Full Moons are times of release. At this time, it may be that you are in the process of releasing something that has been your truth/reality.
17 December 2023
New Moon in 20° of Scorpio
This New Moon in 20° of Scorpio has a sense of urgency to it. The global energy is tense, and change is eating its way into our personal lives. We crave security and stability, yet we are forced to let go and trust the process. Scorpio corresponds with the season of decay and teaches us about the necessity of old life to compost into fertile soil that new life can grow from.
13 November 2023
Full Moon & partial Lunar Eclipse in 5° of Taurus
This Full Moon happens in 5° of Taurus, close to the North Node in 24° of Aries, making it a partial lunar eclipse. This may be a time of completion or ending a certain chapter in your life, or maybe it feels more like a graduation to you.
28 October 2023
New Moon & Solar Eclipse in 21° of Libra
Venus is the ruler of this New Moon, as she is the ruler of Libra. At this time, Venus is in 5° of Virgo, creating a sextile (harmonious aspect) to Mars in 1° of Scorpio. This dynamic helps us to peel away the superficial layers and really get to know what is buried deep within.
16 October 2023
Full Moon in 6° of Aries
Med Vekten og Værens tegn jobber vi med å finne balansen i å gi og motta (tie og sette grenser - for å si det på en annen måte). Det som er utfordrende når vi har vandret for langt ut på aksen mot vekten, er at det krever en god dose mot å uttrykke og stå for hvilke behov man har, når man trenger å komme nærmere væren. Det er sårbart.
29 September 2023
New Moon in 21° Virgo
During Leo season, with Venus rx in Leo, we have been re-evaluating our values. “What does your heart want?” When the Sun moves through Virgo, we are asked to take that energy, that feeling of joy, that sensation of warmth and “put it on a piece of paper”. How do you materialize it? How do you take that energy and create it in the physical world?
15 September 2023
Full Moon in 7° of Pisces
This full moon is a super blue moon. It is super, because it is as close as it can get to the earth in its orbit. It is blue, because it is the 2nd full moon in one month, which is very rare. All this intensifies the energy of the full moon. On top of that, the moon is in Pisces, the most sensitive, emotional sign of them all. Aaaand on top of that again, the moon is conjunct with Saturn, which is in 3° of Pisces.
3 September 2023
Neptune & Pluto for the 90s kids
I recently blogged about the New Moon in Leo. In the last paragraph of that post, I mentioned that Pluto and Neptune are currently in a long lasting sextile (harmonious aspect). This impacts everyone, but especially the 90s kids. Here is why:
25 August 2023
New Moon in 23° of Leo
If you peeled away all the “have to’s” and “should do’s” - and were left with an unlimited amount of time. If you were fully rested and free of what you and others thought you should do. If money was not an issue. If you woke up and it was your favorite weather, and you didn't have anything that you had to do that day: What would you like to do?
16 August 2023
Super Full Moon in 9° of Aquarius
This Super Full Moon highlights the struggle between the need to belong / be accepted (sharing common interests, agreeing on how things should be done), and being your own unique person with values and opinions that might not be aligned with what is status quo.
1 August 2023
New Moon in 24° of Cancer
A LOT is going on at this New Moon in 24° of Cancer. Can you feel the pressure?
-The Nodes just changed signs for the first time since January 2022. In the following 18 months, the North Node will travel “backwards” through Aries, mirrored by the South Node in Libra.
-Another big event at this New Moon, is that the Moon and Sun are opposing Pluto retrograde in the last degree (29°) of Capricorn.
17 July 2023
Full Moon in 11° of Capricorn
Capricorn is the grownup of the Zodiac. In a way, she is both bossbabe and a wise sage. And a warrior. And a magician that has the ability to make her dreams come into reality. She rules the 10th house; the highest point of your chart. This spot is a symbol of what you are leaving behind when your time is over on this planet. This house represents your legacy.
3 July 2023
The essence of the zodiac sign Cancer
Do you remember your favorite stuffed animal that you brought with you everywhere as a kid? Think of your grandmother's gold bracelet, your dads laughter and bad jokes. The tradition of having cake for breakfast on your birthdays...
2 July 2023
New Moon in 26° of Gemini
The question we need to ask ourselves is; what is the truth? And, is my truth different from your truth? In a way, there is truth in illusion too. What is the truth behind the truth, and the truth behind our dreams and fantasies (“illusion”)?
18 June 2023
Full Moon in 13° of Sagittarius
You can see new land on the horizon with this full moon in Sagittarius. There is a lot of potential here.
4 June 2023
New Moon in 28° of Taurus
This New Moon is intense, and it holds massive potential.
19 May 2023